11th December 2024

Search Taddington Parish Council

Taddington Parish Council Serving the people of Taddington and Priestcliffe

About Taddington Parish Council

Who are the Parish Councillors?

What does the Parish Council do?


Parish Councils are the third tier of local government, after County and District Councils, and their powers are limited. A list of the most relevant Parish Council powers is set out in the list below - though some of these powers are, in this area, exercised by the higher tier Councils rather than the Parish Council.

A key role for the Parish Council is to comment on matters dealt with by other organisations. The Parish Council is always consulted on Planning Applications. If it objects to a planning proposal, under the National Park Authority's rules it has to go to their full Planning Committee for decision.

The Parish Council is often involved when other organisations are developing new policies or proposing significant action that affects the parish.

The Council can also make representations to any other body on matters that affect the parish.

List of Relevant Powers

Bus shelters


Cemeteries and closed churchyards


Grants, e.g. for the arts, recreation etc

Some highway issues, incl. footpath repair and maintenance, lighting, roadside seats and shelters, litter bins, trees

Public open spaces

Village halls

War memorials


Taddington Parish Council owns and is responsible for managing the High Well Recreation Ground which has a mixture of historical and ecological interests. The Council also maintains:

- the Children's Play Area behind the Bramwell Memorial Parish Institute;

- the War Memorial and garden at St Michael & All Angels church;

- the three bus shelters along Main Road and Main Street;

- the defibrillators which are located in the telephone box on Main Street just down from St Michaels & All Angels church in Taddington; and at the entrance to Lydgate Farm, Priestcliffe Road in Priestcliffe.

as well as keeping a watching brief on the two areas of common land at High Mere and Humphreygate Quarry.


The Council tries to keep Council Tax rises to a minimum and has an excellent record of low tax rises, often relying upon volunteering and grants from elsewhere when those are available. However, some of the challenges and opportunities facing the parish suggest that some increase in Council Tax will be necessary over the next few years.


Taddington carries, with its church, school, Institute, and other village infrastructure, a considerable burden of upkeep, set against a background of a relatively small but changing and ageing population. The annual Well Dressing and Flower Festival, for example, is the main vehicle for raising money to maintain the Grade 1 listed church. The school is heavily dependent on children from elsewhere, including Buxton. It is important that local businesses, such as the pubs, survive.

The future sustainability of the parish has long been a key issue. The Council has, therefore, argued for policies that:

  1. will help bring or retain more young people in the local population;
  2. will attract worthwhile local employment;
  3. ensure good access to local centres and services;
  4. can capitalise on the considerable assets that lie within the parish.


The Parish Council meets in public, unless a matter is confidential. The public may raise issues at the Council's meetings. Notice of these meetings and decisions made are posted on the village notice board and on this website. Other issues are publicised on the parish gmail, or as appropriate.

The Parish Councillors' role

The following Parish Councillor role profile is based on that created by the Derbyshire Association of Local Councils. The Association, based in Matlock, aims to provide member Parish Councils with professional advice on all aspects of Parish Council business.


  • Represents the Council to the community, and the community to the Council, using all appropriate means.
  • Effectively represents the interests of their parish to representatives of other authorities and organisations where appropriate.
  • Fulfils and enacts any statutory requirements of an elected member of the Council.
  • Actively and constructively contributes to good governance.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Actively encourages community participation and citizen involvement in the work of the Council.
  • Encourages people to take up their roles of active and engaged citizenship.
  • Knows and has contact with key local stakeholders.
  • Is a channel of communication for the parish and ensures constituents are informed of services available, decisions that affect them and the reasons for those decisions.
  • Develops and maintains a working knowledge of organisations (including principal Councils) operating within the area which have an impact on the well-being of both the community and the Council as a whole.
  • Deals with constituents' enquiries and representations fairly and without prejudice.
  • Carries out case work for constituents and represents their interests, or enables the constituents to take action to deal with the matter themselves.
  • Identifies and works with local 'hard to reach' and under-represented groups to ensure their views can be identified.
  • Contributes to the formation of the Council's policies and plans by active involvement in Council meetings, committees and working parties.
  • Undertakes appropriate training and development to help fulfil the requirements of the Councillor role.
  • Acts as the Council's representative on outside bodies, and reports back on their activities.
  • Champions the causes which relate to the interests and sustainability of the Council's area and campaigns for improvement in the quality of life of those living in, working in, or visiting the area.

Our Staff

Our one employee is the Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer. This post is currently occupied by parish clerk Sarah Kelly. Please get in touch with Sarah if you need her help - clerk@taddingtonparishcouncil.org.uk

Last updated: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 18:40